Kids Martial Arts — Breaking Wave Martial Arts

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Kids Martial Arts

specialized programs for children from 5-7,9-12 and 13+

At Breaking Wave we offer two unique program to kids ages 5 and up.

1. Wushu-Kungfu.

2. Kyokushin Karate.

Wushu Kungfu focuses on the individual empty and weapons routines (think dance, gymnastics and swords all mixed into one spectactur martial art!

Kyokushin Karate focus on fitness, self-defense and building confidence.

Contact us today to learn more about which program would best suit you and your childs needs and interests!

Our programs are designed specifically for children and focus on the development of a strong foundation in essential character qualities such as respect and discipline. In addition, the programs are designed to improve children’s motor skills and enhance their ability to pay attention and follow directions

All classes are taught using the most safe, fun, and exciting instruction methods available for this age group.

THE Breaking Wave Difference

Through a unique, tight-knit community atmosphere, students of all abilities are welcomed to gain life-long confidence, friendships, and martial arts skills with fun yet challenging exercises. 


Both our Kungfu and Karate programs utilize unique ranking systems. This allows for students to systematically progress through our standardized curriculums.  Students are able to focus on individual achievement as they advance through our ranks, becoming proficient in all areas of martial arts. Click here to view Kungfu Sash Requirements.

Breaking Wave Competition & Demo Team
For children interested in the benefits of being a member of our competition and performance team, there are plenty of opportunities for students to competed and perform throughout the year.

A family that kicks together sticks together!

Enjoy family fun, parent-child bonding, and exercise by joining Breaking Wave!  Parents are welcome to join their children during their training sessions.  Contact us today to discover why many parents love training side by side with their children.

As a parent, all I can say is, wow, just wow!
— Phyllis All, Proud CMAA Parent