Monthly Newsletter - August 2019

Dear Friends,

School’s out for summer! From seminars, and special offers to competitions, sash tests and performances, we’ve got a lot going on. You won’t want to miss out on the action at CMAA!

School Closings
New Member SPECIAL OFFER! Join now!
新会员优惠大酬宾 - 现在加入吧!
CMAA Bully Challenge!
Wing Chun Kungfu Seminar Series!
Kungfu Competition (North East Open Martial Arts Tournament)

Sash Test 
CMAA Kungfu Black Belt: Riane Richard
CMAA 功夫黑带
CMAA on Instagram
Eat Good- Look Good – Feel Good
饮食好- 状态好- 感觉好
Simple Ways to Prevent Falls in Older Adults


School Closings
Kungfu and Kickboxing will be cancelling classes on the following days in August: Aug 10th , Aug 19th  and Aug 26th -Sept 2nd

Stay tuned for details to know how Tai Chi will be affected.

10th- All Kungfu classes and Kickboxing will be cancelled on Saturday the 10th as Shifu, and our black belt instructors will all be attending the North East Open Martial Arts Competition.  If you (or your child) are not competing, I still encourage you to attend as a spectator.  Come cheer your team on as they give it their best.  It’s a great learning experience.  You’ll see a wide variety of styles being represented including Kungfu, Karate, Tae Kwon Do and much more!  From empty hand and weapons forms to sparring, and breaking, its a full day of action!  We have several students attend as spectators last year, who after watching all decided to compete this time!  Spectator fee is $10, kids under 12 are free.    

19th- Kungfu and Kickboxing classes are cancelled on Monday the 19th. 

26th- Sept 2 All Kungfu and Kickboxing classes will be cancelled from the 26nd through the Sept 2 for a final summer break and Labor Day weekend (and Kai’s first family trip to China).  We will be doing some scouting for potential CMAA summer camp Kungfu and Tai Chi training locations (Shaolin, Wudang), so stay tuned for details!  Please rest up and come back focused and ready to work toward our martial arts goals! Classes will resume Tuesday Sept 3rd!  

New Member SPECIAL OFFER!  Join now!
After a one week FREE trial, sign up and receive a 10% discount on your first membership.  Sign up a second family member and they receive a 20% discount!

Offer expires on September 7th so call to schedule your trial now! 


CMAA Bully Challenge!
Do you know someone who is the victim of bullying? I would like to offer someone a FREE training Kickboxing, Combatives and Kungfu at the Chinese Martial Arts Academy (CMAA). We know that our training can develop Self-Discipline, Self-Confidence and Self-Defense. CMAA will provide a safe space, high quality instruction in practical martial arts and a great group of training partners. Let’s help someone start a new path in life! Have them (or their parents) get in touch with me via PM, email ( or phone/text (518) 755-7512.

Students/Parents: please share info about this initiative! Let's help change someone’s life!

Additionally, as school owners we all know the power martial arts have to change lives. Sometimes, victims of bullying retreat and may not actively seek out this type of training. Let’s use this challenge to spread awareness and stand against bullying and hopefully encourage people to come join us that might not otherwise take action. I know we all have different perspectives, and approaches toward prospective members, but I would like to challenge all martial arts schools, boxing gyms and wrestling programs to make a similar offer. Let’s make this thing go viral! #bullychallenge

Individuals will be evaluated and selected on a case by case basis. Our program will only admit one participant in to this program at a time. Participant should be 13 years of age or older and will receive a 4 months FREE training (to be evaluated on a month to month basis based on dedication and level of effort). No one has to know that you are training at CMAA for this reason, though should you decide to share your story at the end of your time that’s entirely up to you. Other schools accepting the #bullychallenge are welcome to use whatever terms and conditions on the challenge that they feel comfortable with. Don't forget to tag #bullychallenge :)


Wing Chun Kungfu Seminar Series!
6 Weeks of Wing Chun Kungfu!
Join us for a 6 week Wing Chun Kungfu Seminar Series!

What: 6 Week Wing Chun Kungfu Seminar Series.

Who: Anyone and Everyone! Open to non CMAA students, CMAA students, friends, family. Ages 12 + (unless given permission in advance). Beginners welcome!

Where: The Chinese Martial Arts Academy

When: Thursdays 6-7pm. (Sept. 12, 19, 26, and Oct. 3, 10, 17th)

Cost: $29

What is Wing Chun?

Wing Chun is a practical and efficient style of martial arts which focuses’ on self-defense. Wing Chun utilizes economy of motion. This “less is more” approach means there are no high kicks or low stances, which makes it suitable for people of all ages, skill level and physical ability. Notable practitioners include Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Robert Downey Jr.

This class is perfect for new practitioners looking to for a fun and interesting way to get an overview of Wing Chun. This is also ideal for martial artists who currently train a non-Chinese style and are looking to cross train and learn from another perspective. This series is also a great choice for current students looking to supplement Kungfu, Tai Chi or Jeet Kune Do training.

Kungfu Competition
13th Annual North East Open Tournament & Showcase in Albany. This competition is very well organized and appropriate for ALL ages and skill levels.  CMAA has organized a team and has been working hard to get ready.  As mentioned above, even if you haven’t signed up, you are welcome to come check out the competition as a spectator (see website for details).  You’ll see a wide variety of martial arts, and will most likely end up motivated to participate yourself next year!  Get all the info:

Didn’t sign up for this one?  Don’t miss the next! Still not sure if it’s for you?  Talk to Shifu in class for more info. Why compete?

We learn important lessons when we compete and martial arts offer all types of competitions for those who seek to benefit from competition experience. From small tournaments to national and international tournaments, individuals can choose to compete in either individual forms or various types of sparring. From goal setting to developing the confidence to perform in front of a large group, it doesn’t matter which events they choose, the benefits remain numerous. From learning to deal with loss and disappointment, to winning gold, qualifying for a national team spot or competing internationally, important life lessons will be learned. Additionally, achievements can also be listed on student’s CV’s.

Sash Test

Students must arrive on time and be in full uniform to participate.  Students who arrive late or out of uniform will be required to complete a makeup test.

We will be holding our quarterly Sash Test on Sunday, September 22nd at 10:30am. If you are not sash testing you are still encouraged to come participate and support your teammates (no charge of course).

You know exactly what we will be testing but if you have any questions, check the Sash Requirements page on the website and feel free to clarify things with me during class. 

If you are unsure whether or not you (or your child) are ready to test, please speak with me before or during class, via email at or by phone (518) 755-7512.

Remember, you will not “get” your sash at CMAA – you will EARN it! There is a big difference. It’s important you (your child) learns the value of their sash- the value of hard work! Let’s stay focused and step up our training so we’re fully prepared for the test!

White/Yellow/Green/Blue: $35
Red/Purple/Orange: $55
Light Brown/Dark Brown/Gold: $75
Black: $100

CMAA Kungfu Black Belts!

In the past eight years CMAA has awarded black belts to only 10 exceptional students.  This past sash test was particularly meaningful in that we have added four new black belts to the ranks!  Each of our black belts shares several significant qualities, like determination and perseverance.  Simply speaking, earning a black belt in Kungfu takes time, and there will be setbacks over the years. A black belt maintains a long term vision.  This long term vision, combined with dedication is what allows for success.  However, beyond certain shared qualities, our black belts are also all unique.  Their physical skillsets and personalities are all expressed through their Kungfu.  It was a great honor to award Riane Richard her black belt from CMAA.  What else can we say? This girl is on FIRE! Congratulations!   (Check out last month’s news letter to see the others!)

Riane Richard:

I’m especially proud to award Raine Richard her black belt.  She is a truly special young woman.  At first she was quiet.  I thought maybe nervous or just shy.  Not particularly flexible or acrobatic, Riane has excelled in other ways.  She is quiet and focused.  Not one to goof off in class, she comes in ready to learn.

However, early on, she would catch me off guard by coming in to class and saying “Hi” and asking how I was doing.  She might ask about my day or how my son Kai is doing.  She might proudly announce to me how she did on an exam, tennis match, or dance performance.  I had a hard time shaking my initial perception of a quiet girl, and accept that Riane was a mature, and thoughtful young person.  In class, she would seek out my assistance, and ask questions about specific parts of her routine.  At the end of class she would challenge me to several rounds of the “push game” (a Tai Chi exercise involving two people attempting to make the other lose their balance).  At the end of class she always says “Thank you” and “good night”. 

It is Riane’s focused and consistent effort that have helped her earn her black belt.  However, while I want to describe her as “quiet” I find that that hasn’t been true for years now.  She’s not quiet.  She poised and engaging.  Combined with her intelligence, and supportive family, Riane has a powerful combination of unique attributes.  I don’t know what she will do or where she will go but I’m sure of two things, it’s going to special and successful!  What else can we say? This girl is on FIRE! Congrats Riane!

CMAA on Instagram

 Eat Good. Look Good. Feel Good

People come to learn Chinese martial arts. From Kungfu, to Kickboxing, Self-Defense and moving meditation (Tai Chi), we teach a wide variety of practices under this heading.

I also frequently share my opinions about physical conditioning, and teach a variety of the strength and conditioning methods I find to be most beneficial. However, there are several other areas that are very important and deserve attention. These include diet, rest and recovery, and psychology among a few others.

Today I'd like to share with you my opinion and approach to diet and nutrition:

Read more here:

Simple Ways to Prevent Falls in Older Adults
"More Tai Chi, fewer meds." "Tai Chi is probably the best exercise to prevent falls".

Read the full article from NPR here:


