CMAA Schedule/Class Information and Updates! 3/23

Dear CMAA Members, Friends and Family,

Since our last correspondence, North Colonie School district has decided to close schools for 2 weeks until April 1st.  CMAA believes it is in our community’s best interest to follow their example and limit our student’s exposure.  During this time CMAA will continue to hold classes, shifting a majority of them online, and with a slight adjustment to the schedule. 

We believe that now more than ever its important to maintain our martial arts training regime for optimal mental and physical health.  This should not be a time for despair but rather a time to rededicate ourselves to our training and keeping ourselves moving in a positive direction. 

During this time, the majority of our classes will be adapted for online practice.  That’s right, we want to help you continue your training from the comfort of your own home.  Using the app ZOOM (which is FREE – you do not need to purchase any upgraded version) you can join our classes and train with Shifu face to face (or sign in without video and keep the viewing one way).  Just click the link  and follow the steps to access when its time for your class to start. 

When its time for class to start just click here:

If you’re interested you can even explore some of the other programs like TaiChi and Kickboxing!  We will be modifying our curriculum so be prepared for something a little different than usual!

We look forward to continuing on our journey.  Even though this route is a slight detour from our original plan, you never know how much you’ll learn taking the path less traveled! Additionally, I will be posting schedule updates and links to more resources for home training on our Facebook page, and website. 

Lastly, we thank you in advance for your cooperation! I know you may feel uncertain and I know we all feel afraid, but bear with us as we make this unexpected and new leap together and trust that the practice serves us well for such times. Stay tuned for updates as things develop.  We will continue to make adjustments as the situation allows and as our students provide feedback.   As a small business, we appreciate your support and understanding during this time. 

Thank you,

