Monthly Newsletter - January 2021

Dear CMAA Family and Friends,

Happy New Year! We are not in the clear yet. We are still in a fight. But - WE ARE STILL FIGHTING! I hope with the new year comes a renewed sense of determination. We have made it this far and we will not back down! We are coming up on 9 months since closing due to COVID concerns in March. We have been forced to adapt and overcome. I draw great inspiration from all of you. You have demonstrated determination, and resilience.  We will continue to be smart, and fight to stay moving forward our martial arts path.  I am proud that CMAA can be a positive element in everyone’s life right now.  Let’s keep it up- work hard, stay safe and keep moving forward!   Check out this month’s newsletter and get information on all the details and more!


Read more below and get all the information on the following:
CMAA School Closings
New Student Portal!
CMAA 学生 App
CMAA Jan Schedule
CMAA on Instagram
Budo: The Art of Killing
Needle Through Brick

Get all the news here:

CMAA School Closings
We will be closed for Jan 1st and 2nd for New Years.

We will also be closed for Martin Luther King Day, Jan 18th.

Jan. Class Schedule 

To get the most updated version of our current class schedule please visit our live calendar!

To ensure the safety of all students, we have revised our group class schedule to reduce the time of classes each day and to ensure there is a break between the classes. This is to minimize any potential overlap/contact among students and allow time for necessary clean-up between classes.

Classes will be offered in 2 different types:

1.Classes offered On Site w/ Online option (ex. Tai Chi) .

2. Classes On Site (ex. Kungfu, Tai Chi, Sanda Kickboxing, and Combatives).

Please note onsite classes require registration and have a 12-14 person maximum. Classes on ZOOM do not require registration and there is no capacity limit.

For ZOOM classes Tai Chi sign in information will remain the same:

When it’s time for class to start just click here:
Meeting #: 931-975-5831
Password: CMAA

CMAA on Instagram

Budo: The Art of Killing
Though I am an instructor of Chinese Martial Arts, I identify first and foremost as a “Martial Artist”. To me all styles of martial arts are to be appreciated. Each has its own unique skill set, method of transmission and benefits. Here is a great film showcasing some Japanese arts and the spirit behind them. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Needle Through Brick
A documentary about the struggle for survival of traditional culture in the face of a rapidly changing and modernizing world, told from the perspective of traditional Chinese Kung Fu masters living in Borneo, East Malaysia.

Below is the trailer. You can watch for FREE here if you have Amazon prime!

