Monthly Challenge - August

CMAA Monthly Challenge, August – Read More!

Having addressed many areas from flexibility, exercise, meditation and diet, I’d like to focus this month’s challenge on an entirely separate area of martial arts development. While nothing is better than actually training at the Academy, these monthly challenges can help us develop outside of the school setting. For the month of August, I’d like you to take the time and read a book about martial arts. No matter what your specific interest in martial arts is, there is most certainly a book out there that can help you progress in your own practice.

I wholeheartedly recommend reading both fiction/non-fiction martial arts books (for different reasons). However, for this month’s challenge we are going to focus on non-fiction. Listed below are two books that I have found to be very influential. While I have read many books over the last 15 years, these are two of the more important ones I’ve come across.

Taichi: The Tao of Tai Chi Quan (Zhou Zong Hua)

Kungfu/Sanshou: The Book of the Five Rings (Miyamoto Musashi)

These are just two books that I've liked in particular. I've got dozens of books on nutrition, strength training, stretching, wrestling, striking, and meditation for martial artists. I am a firm believer that you always get something out of reading. Please feel free to recommend any books you have read and have found to be informative.

I look forward to having a CMAA library full of wonderful books for everyone to share in the near future!

