Dear Friends, From seminars, to competitions, demo’s and other activities, don’t miss out on the action!
School Closings Sash Test Recap 4th Annual Kungfu Wushu Competition Qigong Grandmaster Li Jun Feng Seminar Pursuit of Champions: Wushu Human Movement Black Belt Zhuang Zi : The Archers Need to Win USA Wushu Team Athlete in Moscow Live to Move, Move to Live.
School Closings All classes will be held as regularly scheduled for June.
Sash Test Please note that we will be holding our quarterly Sash Test on Sunday, July 17th, at 10:30 am.
You know exactly what we will be testing but if you have any questions, check the Sash Requirements page on the website and feel free to clarify things with me during class.
If you are unsure whether or not you (or your child) are ready to test, please speak with me before or during class, via email at or by phone (518) 755-7512. Remember, you will not “get” your sash at CMAA – you will EARN it! There is a big difference. It’s important you (your child) learns the value of their sash- the value of hard work! Let’s stay focused and step up our training so we’re fully prepared for the test! White/Yellow/Green/Blue: $25, Red/Purple/Orange: $50, Light Brown/Dark Brown/Gold/Black: $75
4th Annual Kungfu Wushu Competition: June18th If you are interested in competing, this is a great opportunity. CMAA will be organizing a competition team to participate in the 4th Annual Kungfu Wushu Competition. Yellow sashes and above are encouraged to compete. Everyone is welcome to come and support your team! As a smaller tournament with simple organization, this competition has been a good venue for new competitors. Just like sash tests, the true value of competition is still self-improvement. All the fun and team bonding is just a nice extra! Online Registration here :
Date: Saturday, June 18th. Competition begins at 10am sharp. Location: Hopkins Academy High School Gymnasium. (1.5-2 hours from Albany,
Qigong Grandmaster L Jun Feng Seminar
Wushu Legend (Beijing Wushu Team Coach/China National Wushu Team Coach) and Qigong Master Li Jun Feng will be coming to CMAA for a Sheng Zhen Unconditional Love Qigong seminar.
For more info please go here:
Pursiut of Champions: Wushu Yong Yi Xiang
Meet Singapore National Wushu Team Athlete Yong Yi Xiang.
What is it that drives the best of us to go beyond our comfort zones and physical limits? Check out this episode of Pursuit of Champions to see what it’s like to train as a serious Wushu practitioner. Check out the video here:
Human Movement Black Belt: It might not be Kungfu or even martial arts, but I think this young man certainly has a black belt in human movement. Enjoy!
Zhuangzi: The Archers Need to Win
Remember to enjoy the process :)
USA Wushu Team Athlete in Moscow Journey In Moscow: Training With The Russian Wushu Team, By Gordon Tsai Read about the strategies and training techniques that make the Russian Wushu Team one of the strongest teams internationally.
“When I first decided to go to Russia, I had a lot of friends and family show concern. To the typical American, Russia is a supposedly scary, unfriendly, and dangerous place. In my time there, I’ve continually surprised by the courtesy, care, and generosity of both the coaches and athletes.” Read more here!
Live to Move, Move to Live Throughout the month several videos showed up in my newsfeed online. These individuals may be the outliers but they sure are an inspiration. I believe more of us should be challenging the norm and staying active well into our senior years!
83 YO Boxer
81 YO Strongman
77 YO Female Bodybuilder
67 YO Parkour Runner
As usual please stay tuned for more exciting action at CMAA!