Monthly Newsletter - April 2021

Dear CMAA Family and Friends,

Well it seems Spring is finally here!    CMAA is going strong, and with nice weather and a few exciting announcements I am feeling very good about the direction we are headed!  Check out this months newsletter and see what’s going on at CMAA!  You don’t want to miss out. 


Read more below and get all the information on the following:
CMAA School Closings
New Student Portal!
CMAA 学生 App
CMAA April Schedule
CMAA on Instagram
Kyokushin Karate at CMAA!!
Judo Club
WuDang TaiChi Documentary    

Get all the news here:


CMAA School Closings
All Kungfu and Tai Chi classes will be cancelled on Weds April 21st!  We will be travelling for a training session with Shihan at Fighting Spirit Karate.  Please speak with Shifu if you are interested in participating!  All CMAA sstudents are all encouraged to join.  The session will be held 3:30-5pm at FSK HQ in Gardiner, NY. 

April Class Schedule 

To get the most updated version of our current class schedule please visit our live calendar!

To ensure the safety of all students, we have revised our group class schedule to reduce the time of classes each day and to ensure there is a break between the classes. This is to minimize any potential overlap/contact among students and allow time for necessary clean-up between classes.

Classes will be offered in 2 different types:

1.Classes offered On Site w/ Online option (ex. Tai Chi) .

2. Classes On Site (ex. Kungfu, Tai Chi, Sanda Kickboxing, and Combatives).

Please note onsite classes require registration and have a 16 person maximum. Classes on ZOOM do not require registration and there is no capacity limit.

For ZOOM classes Tai Chi sign in information will remain the same:

When it’s time for class to start just click here:
Meeting #: 931-975-5831
Password: CMAA

CMAA on Instagram



Kyokushin Karate at CMAA!

Kyokushin Karate at CMAA! Tues and Thurs 11am-11:45!

Known as “The Strongest Karate”, Kyokushin Karate (極真) is a style of stand-up fighting. "Kyokushin" is Japanese for "The Ultimate Truth". It is rooted in a philosophy of self-improvement, discipline and hard training. Kyokushin Karate offers a powerful combination of tradition and sport. It draws on tradition in its techniques and emphasis on spiritual development but uses full contact sport fighting as its vehicle. While Kyokushin is known for its power, and practicality, not everyone who pursues training in Kyokushin Karate need be a competitive fighter. This style of martial arts can be practiced by anyone and will benefit anyone who dedicates themselves to it as a means of self mastery!

When I first began martial arts training at 5 years old, I began in Kyokushin Karate. Little did I know at the time, but I was very lucky to have found this particular form of martial art. It would remain a part of my martial arts identity.

Over 30 years later I have found myself drawn back to this discipline. They say “when the student is ready the teacher will appear”. Well, this is exactly what happened. The stars aligned and due to the pandemic I found myself thinking outside the box. Through connections with long time martial arts friends, I found someone who was willing to teach me- Shihan Sean Schenker. For me, it did not take long for me to realize that I had lucked out. Shihan is truly special person. Not only is he the real deal as a life long martial artist with a rare masterful understanding of the art, but he is a patient and thoughtful instructor. Shihan is skilled in understanding his students and how to best motivate and instruct them. This has been a silver lining in my personal training during this challenging time.

I know the power this art has to offer and I want to share this with you! Although the format has certain constraints, I know we have a great deal to gain. With the encouragement of Shihan we will work to bring the beauty of Kyokushin to CMAA!

This class will be held on Tues and Thurs at 11am. No experience is required. 1 of the 2 classes will be led virtually by Shihan personally, the other will be a recap. These classes will be offered at $65/month for non CMAA members and just $35/month for current members enrolled in other programs. We recommend participants have mma style gloves (boxing gloves are acceptable), and shin guards. For those interested in sparring other protective equipment is encouraged. In the future we will look to add more evening and weekend times. Stay tuned for updates!

Judo Club 

This group meets Friday mornings at 7am.  We are led by two National Judo champions.  The instruction is very technical but we always have time for Randori at the end of class for those who are interested.  All levels are welcome.  Membership dues are $40/month for CMAA members.

WuDang TaiChi Documentary
Check out this martial arts documentary series on Wudang and its martial tradition! In this 5th Martial Arts Chronicles Tv documentary, follow Lionel Froidure in China, Hubei region, into a place between earth and heaven, highest Chinese Daoist place and birthplace of internal martial arts, neija, to meet the greatest grand master of the Wudang Paï legacy : Yuan Limin 袁理敏 with Taiji Chuan, Xing Yi Quan and Bagua Zhang.

